Gabrielle Keaton

The latest ambassador to come on board and represent Warrior Active Wear. Coming off a third place in last years World Multiverse Championships, Gabrielle represent everything Warrior Active Wear is about as she is a Warrior tribe member through our external membership. So we thought we would share a little about the amazing lady and who she is.





What are you best known for?

Always smiling


What are your current aspirations? 

 To travel to the Galápagos Islands and complete a post graduate research degree.



What does your fitness routine entail? 

Training 5x a week mixed up between cardio, total body workouts and strength training.



What is your favourite health food and favourite cheat meal? 

A good roast pumpkin quinoa salad and cheat meal would be a rich caramel slice or anything caramel and saucy.



Why partner with W Active Wear? 

W active wear is incredibly designed and made to last. When I go to the gym I want to work out hard, W activewear is designed for a rigorous workout and not to just look the part.

What is your favourite W Active Wear products? 



Where do you want to be in 5 years

I want to have travelled lots and completed another degree.



What inspirational advise do you have the world? 

Never let anyone tell you that you're not good enough. Always be happy with who you are because when you're happy within yourself it shines to the rest of the world just how incredible you truely are.


Where can we see more of you?

Facebook: Gabrielle Keaton

Instagram: gabrielle.keaton